Reconnect with your car in lockdown.
Many of us haven't driven to the office in months. Family road trips and Sunday morning drives have all been replaced with short dashes to grab essentials. Definitely not ideal conditions for your engine.
Take a break from the mayhem at home and reconnect with your best friend. We have the parts to do interim services and more! All you need is some simple tools which you will use over and over again once you discover how easy it is.
Tuned or Tracked?
Engines driven harder need more regular servicing. Thanks to the competitive engine oil market, looking after your engine doesn't have to be expensive. Cars on service plans need not worry - just don't disturb the onboard service menu so you can still enjoy those benefits.
Fit quality parts, get quality results.
We only sell what we'd put on our own cars. With the extraordinarily long service intervals, we've seen our fair share of parts that don't survive the test of time.
Reinvest in your investment with our range of genuine BMW/Mini and OE quality parts, providing certainty where it matters most.
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